
Supabase is a service that provides a Postgres database, authentication, and storage. It's an easy way to get started with a full stack application.

In this tutorial we will use it as a database to store sensor values from a device.


We assume that you have set up your development environment as described in the IDE tutorial.

We also assume that you have flashed your device with Jaguar and that you are familiar with running Toit programs on it. If not, have a look at the Hello world tutorial.

Note that you can do this tutorial without a device. In that case, you need to use the -d host option whenever you invoke jag run. The program will then run on your computer instead of on a device.

Create a Supabase project

To get started, you need to create a Supabase project.

If you don't have an account yet, go to and create one. You can use the free plan for this tutorial.

Once you have an account, go to the dashboard and create a new project. In the dialog, enter a name and provide a password. Update the region if necessary, and click on "Create new project".

Wait until the project is completely set up (this may take a few minutes), then go to the "Project Settings" (gear icon) tab. In the "General" section, you will find the "Reference ID" (also known as "project id"). In the "Data API" section, you will find anon key.

You will need both of these values later.

Create the tables

We will use two tables:

  • devices: This table will store the device IDs that are allowed to send sensor values.
  • temperatures: This table will store the sensor values.

For simplicity, we will allow anyone to write into the temperatures table, as long as they have a valid device ID. We will keep the devices table private (only accessible through the dashboard), so that nobody can access the device IDs. The device ID thus serves as a secret key that allows a device to write into the temperatures table.

The devices table will need just one column:

  • id: uuid, primary key

If you want to, you can add/keep a created_at column and other columns that you find useful.

The devices table should have Row Level Security (RLS) enabled.

The temperatures table will need the following columns:

  • id: int8, primary key, auto increment ("is identity")
  • device_id: uuid,
  • temperature: float8, not nullable

As before you can add/keep a created_at column and other columns that you find useful.

The temperatures table should also have Row Level Security (RLS) enabled.

You can create the tables anyway you want, for example using the online table editor (available under<project-id>/editor) , using SQL statements, or with migrations and the supabase CLI tool. For simplicity, we will only provide the SQL statements here.

Open the "SQL Editor" tab (on the left). The URL should be<project-id>/sql.

Click on "+ New query" (blank query) and enter the following SQL statements.

CREATE TABLE devices (
  id uuid PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT gen_random_uuid()


CREATE TABLE temperatures (
  created_at timestamp with time zone DEFAULT timezone('utc'::text, now()) NOT NULL,
  device_id uuid NOT NULL REFERENCES devices(id) ON DELETE CASCADE,
  temperature float8 NOT NULL


CREATE POLICY "Enable insert to everyone"
  ON temperatures
  TO public
  WITH CHECK (true);

Click on RUN (or press Ctrl+Enter) to execute the statements.

You should now have two tables in your project. You can see them in the Table Editor (under<project-id>/editor).


Let's add a new device into the devices table. You can either specify a device ID yourself, or let the DB generate one for you.

In the first case the SQL statement would look like this:

INSERT INTO devices (id) VALUES ('<device-id>');

You can, of course, also use the table editor to add a new row with that value.

In the second case, you can just use the default action which will generate a new UUID for you. The SQL statement would look like this:


We will refer to the new device ID as <device-id> in the following sections.

Toit program

Now we can write the Toit program that will send sensor values to Supabase.


We will use the supabase package to communicate with the database. Install it with the following command. See the packages tutorial for details.

jag pkg install[email protected]

You can probably just write jag pkg install supabase, but the full ID together with the version is more explicit, and will make sure you get the right package.

Feel free to use a newer version of the package if one is available. You might need to update the code samples below if you do.

We will also use the certificate-roots package to provide the root certificate for the TLS connection. Install it with the following command:

jag pkg install


In this section we will create a Toit program that sends simulated sensor values to Supabase.

Open a new file supabase.toit and watch it with Jaguar. Enter the following code. Don't forget to replace <project-id> with the project ID of your Supabase project, <anon-key> with the anon key, and <device-id> with the device ID that you entered into the devices table.

import certificate-roots
import supabase

TABLE ::= "temperatures"
PROJECT-ID ::= "<project-id>"
ANON-KEY ::= "<anon-key>"
URI ::= "https://$(PROJECT-ID)"

DEVICE-ID ::= "<device-id>"

  host := "$(PROJECT-ID)"
  client := supabase.Client

  // We don't want to receive the inserted row, because we don't have
  // read access to the table. TABLE --no-return-inserted {
    "device_id": DEVICE-ID,
    "temperature": 42.0,


The program uses the supabase.Client class to connect to Supabase.

This program will send a sensor value of 42.0 to the temperatures table in your Supabase project. It will use the device ID that you entered into the devices table as a "secret key" to authenticate itself.

After saving it Jaguar should automatically start the program. After the program has run, you should see a new row in the temperatures table.


Supabase doesn't come with a built-in visualization tool, but it is easy to connect it to a third-party tool. In this section we will use Grafana to visualize the sensor values.

Before connecting Grafana to Supabase, we need to add a more restricted user to the Supabase project. This user will only have read access to the temperatures table.

Run the following SQL statement in the "SQL Editor" tab of your Supabase project: (replace <password> with a password of your choice).

CREATE USER grafanareader WITH PASSWORD '<password>';
GRANT SELECT ON public.temperatures TO grafanareader;
CREATE POLICY "grafana can read temperatures"
  ON temperatures
  TO grafanareader
  USING (true);

Create a Grafana dashboard

Go to and create a new account.

Grafana will then create a new dashboard for you. This step can take a few minutes.

Create a new dashboard by clicking on the "Create your first dashboard" button. Then click on "Create your own", and select "PostgreSQL" as the data connection.

Enter the required information. You can find the connection information in the "Settings" tab of your Supabase project under "Database".

The host is db.<project-id>, the database is postgres, the user is grafanareader, and the password is the password that you entered in the SQL statement above. Also, change the PostgreSQL version to 15.

Click on "+ Add visualization" and click on "PostgreSQL". Click on "Code" (instead of "Builder") and enter the following SQL statement:

SELECT temperature, created_at
  FROM temperatures
  ORDER BY created_at
  LIMIT 100

the "temperatures" table, and the columns "temperature" and "created_at".

Click on the "Order" toggle to sort the rows by the "created_at" column in descending order. This way the newest values will be shown first.

If you don't see the temperatures table, see the Troubleshooting section below.

Then click on "Run Query". You should now see a graph of the temperature values that are in your database. You probably want to change the original program to send a few more values to the database before the visualization looks interesting.

Click on "Save" (top right) to save the dashboard.

You should end up with a dashboard that looks like this:

Screenshot of the Grafana dashboard
Screenshot of the Grafana dashboard


If you don't see the temperatures table, verify that Grafana can connect to your database. Go to Home > Connections > Data sources and click on "PostgreSQL". Verify that all the settings are correct. Most importantly, verify that the host is db.<project-id>, that the database is postgres, the user is grafanareader, and the password is correct.

At the bottom is a "Save & Test" button. Click on it to verify that Grafana can connect to your database.

If the Database Connection is OK, but you can't see the temperatures table, verify that you have granted the grafanareader user access to the temperatures table.

If you can see the temperatures table, but you can't see the temperature and created_at columns, verify that you have created the policy that grants the grafanareader user access to the temperatures table.