
Artemis allows you to build and distribute pods (as in a pod of whales or pea pod). A pod is a set of containers, with shared storage and network resources, and a description of how to run the containers. Pods are built from declarative specifications and they form the basis of Artemis' synchronization mechanisms.


Pods are built from specifications. Once built, the pods are self-contained and have no external dependencies. This makes them ideal for deployment and for archiving. To build a pod from a specification, you invoke the artemis pod build command like this:

artemis pod build -o my-pod.pod my-pod.yaml

Pods contain symbolic debug information, so it is useful to keep them around after having deployed them. This is easy to achieve by uploading them to your broker.


Pods are named and they can be uploaded to your fleet using the artemis pod upload command:

artemis pod upload my-pod.pod

This creates a new revision of the my-pod pod and automatically tags it with the latest tag and a generated tag like 20230515175710-broad-method. The first component is a timestamp and the last component is a random name that makes it easier to refer to the generated tag.

You can specify the tags when you upload, so you can associate more meaningful tags with your pod revisions. It is common to use a versioning scheme for the tags, so you can compare them more easily using something like semantic versioning.

To upload my-pod.pod with the v1.0.2 tag, you can use:

artemis pod upload my-pod.pod --tag v1.0.2

You can upload multiple pods at the same time, so if you have more than one device group that run your code in different configurations, it is straightforward to give them the same tag:

artemis pod upload group-0.pod group-1.pod --tag v2.0.0-pre.3

You can always see the available pods and their tags through:

artemis pod list --name my-pod

Referring to pods

You can refer to a pod using its name and revision like my-pod#4 but it is more common to use a tagged reference such as my-pod@latest or my-pod@v1.0.3.

Such pod references are used when updating or flashing a single device:

artemis device update my-pod@v1.0.3

or more commonly indirectly through the groups in the fleet.json file:

  "groups": {
    "office": {
      "pod": "wifi-esp32@v2.0.1"
    "solar-farm-fr-nce": {
      "pod": "cellular-esp32s3@2.0.2-pre.7"

It is also possible to refer to pods by ID and you can find such IDs in pod lists. To update a device to a pod by ID, you can use:

artemis device update 0f587f04-a0e2-5354-ac3d-ceca41a60b63


You can find an example pod specification file in specification.yaml. It is in YAML format and looks similar to this:

# yaml-language-server: $schema=https://toit.io/schemas/artemis/pod-specification/v1.json

$schema: https://toit.io/schemas/artemis/pod-specification/v1.json
name: example
sdk-version: v2.0.0-alpha.163
artemis-version: v0.25.0
max-offline: 0s
  - type: wifi
    ssid: YOUR-WIFI-SSID
    password: YOUR-WIFI-PASSWORD
    entrypoint: hello.toit
    entrypoint: examples/solar_example.toit
    git: https://github.com/toitware/toit-solar-position.git
    branch: v0.0.3

The three version entries are for the specification format (always 1 for now) and the SDK and Artemis versions. Be aware that not all combinations of those are supported and use artemis sdk list to see the valid combinations.

The max-offline entry is optional and defaults to 0s. Use it to control for how long your device is allowed to stay offline.

The connections section contains a prioritized list of ways to connect to the Internet. You can have multiple wifi entries and Artemis will attempt to connect to them in the specified order.

It is also possible to have cellular entries in connections, but for that to work you'll need to have a cellular driver installed as one of your containers. You can find a few drivers in the cellular package.

The containers section contains named entries for the containers you want on your device. The containers that are built from source code have an entrypoint that refers to the file that has the main method. You can optionally pull the source code directly from git using git and branch.

If your container is a driver or provides services for other containers, you probably want to start it on boot and let it run until no other container runs. For that to work, you can make it a background container that is automatically terminated when the device goes to sleep like this:

    entrypoint: src/modules/sequans/monarch.toit
    git: https://github.com/toitware/cellular.git
    branch: v2.1.12
    background: true
    critical: true

The critical flag makes the container run continuously. If you want your container to run periodically, you can specify interval triggers in the containers section like this:

    entrypoint: measure.toit
      - interval: 20s